1. Which type of language is C ?
Ans- C is a high level language and general-purpose structured programming language.
2. what is a compiler ?
Ans- Compiler is the software that transfer program developed in a high-level language into executable object code.
3. What is an algorithm ?
Ans- The approach and method that used to solve the problem is called an algorithm.
4. What is a token and types of c tokens ?
Ans- The smallest individual units are known as C tokens . C has six types of tokens : Keyword, constants , Identifier , Strings , Operators and Special symbols.
5. How many keywords in c ?
Ans- There are 32 keywords in the c language.
6. what is an identifier ?
Ans- Identifiers are user define name given to variables , Functions and arrays.
7. what are the datatypes present in c ?
Ans- C language supports 2 different type of data types:
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